SoDA Academy

SoDA Academy

At SoDA, we have an insatiable appetite for knowledge! You too? We present a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge on which we have gathered all the knowledge as part of SoDA’s activities. Webinars, recordings of our meetings and conferences, presentations, podcasts, legal contracts and contract templates in Polish and English – this and much more can be found at SoDA Academy! To access the platform, all you need to do is be part of one of our member companies and have a Slack account. Are you a member but don’t have a Slack account? Contact us.

Training and webinars

On the SoDA Academy platform, you will find valuable and expertise knowledge that we have gathered during numerous trainings, webinars and meetings with experts not only in programming, but also in HR, marketing, finance and sales. It is a real mine of information for specialists, managers and owners of member companies.

Legal support

There is also available current information on changes in the law on entrepreneurs, as well as information prepared by the Public Advocacy committee – webinars and presentations, industry postulates and the most important statistics from the IT sector, as well as model contracts and documents.

Discounts and promotions from SoDA partners

We have prepared many discounts for member companies, which may result in savings in the company’s budget. More information on discounts on e.g. software, medical or insurance packages available on the SoDA Academy platform.

Materials from SoDA meetings

We have also collected materials from the SoDA Breakfast, SoDA Connect and SoDA Conference online meetings on the educational platform. Experts’ statements, tips and insights from different perspectives. Analysis of the situation of the industry in Poland and in the world.

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