Securing financial liquidity in SH. Insurance, debt collection, monitoring

00:00 – 00:00

We invite you to the SoDA webinar on behalf of the Partnerships Committee: Securing financial liquidity in SH. Insurance, debt collection, monitoring.

During the meeting, the speaker will present the benefits of trade receivables insurance and present possible solutions that will allow you to minimize commercial risk in your companies. He will also try to tell if it is the same good solution for everyone.

On the agenda:

  • SH problems with payments from contractors;
  • What does receivables insurance give you;
  • What additional benefits does credit insurance give;
  • Brief characteristics and overview of the market;
  • What to look for.


  • Jakub Mucha – specializes in insurance for the IT industry. In recent years, he has conducted hundreds of hours of conversations with IT clients.

The meeting is dedicated to SoDA members.