Talk to Ukraine: Webinar SoDA x IT Ukraine Association

Talk to Ukraine. Ukrainian tech and Poland: New Business Opportunities

Talk to Ukraine. Ukrainian tech and Poland: New Business Opportunities 

Since the first days of the war, the IT Ukraine Association together with the Ukrainian IT community launched Talk to Ukraine webinar series on the LinkedIn platform to consolidate international support for Ukraine. In these webinars, we told personal stories of CEO and Founders about the resilience and determination of Ukrainians to defend their country, to raise awareness of how the Ukrainian technology industry holds the economic frontline and keep delivering of the services to our customers, scaling globally and transforming challenges into opportunities. Even after 9 months of the war, the IT export industry is growing and maintaining the Ukraine’s economy, the Army, and the Cyber frontline. 

The ninth broadcast of our global conversation will be dedicated to the future development of the Ukrainian tech sector at global level, namely in Poland which has become the top destination for Ukrainian business relocation. The IT Ukraine Association co-hosts this event together with our reliable partner Software Development Association Poland (SoDA). In the summer of 2022, IT Ukraine Association and SoDA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to encourage continuous bilateral cooperation. It aims to step up mutually beneficial interaction between the IT associations as well as between the IT communities of Ukraine and Poland. 

During the webinar we will present the potential of Ukrainian tech companies, share successful cases of collaboration between Ukraine and Poland tech, discuss our common perspectives on the global market. 

The discussion will be focused on the following issues:

  • What Ukrainian IT companies can offer on the Polish market?  
  • Which IT areas are most demanding?  
  • How much perspective is to do business there and launch joint products globally? 
  • The experience of doing business in Poland for companies representatives: recipe of a business success in Poland and recommendations for newcomers. 

Yuliya Sotska, Head of Public Relations at Viseven will moderate the conversation. 

Our speakers: 

  • Paweł Pustelnik,(poos-tel-nick) Vice President at Software Development Association Poland (SoDA)
  • Andrew Wrobel,(roe-bel) Founder Partner and Leader at Tech Emerging Europe Advocates Community
  • Paweł Wuttke, (what-ke) CEO at Future Processing Ukraine LLC
  • Ana Kitsyna, (keet-syna) Director of International  Development at Smart Solutions
  • Andriy Varusha, (va-roo-sha) Head Of Corporate Development at N-iX 

See you on November 29 at 4 pm CET/ 5 pm EET  on LinkedIn live session.  Language of the event – English.

Software Development Association Poland (SoDA) is the biggest profile Association of Poland. The SoDA team supports member companies in promoting Polish programmers and software not only in Poland, but also internationally. The Association organises trainings and events for specialists and managers that enable free networking and exchange of experiences. SoDA has a real impact on the industry as a result of numerous initiatives of its Public Advocacy committee. 

The National IT Ukraine Association is the largest Ukrainian professional community that consolidates the interests of business, the state and international partners for the development of the tech industry and a new high-tech economy in Ukraine. Together with the member companies, IT clusters and partners, the Association protects the interests of business and promotes the brand of Ukraine as a leading technological nation. Today, the Association unites more than 120 key IT companies and 82,000 IT professionals.

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